Home Blog Sirtfood diet – discover a joint project by Moya Matcha and Proszę Zdrowie

Sirtfood diet – discover a joint project by Moya Matcha and Proszę Zdrowie


Sirtfood diet know-how

Sirtfood diet has been developed by dieticians – Glen Matten and Aidan Goggins – and has gained its popularity thanks to Adele, as the singer has lost almost 100 pounds, while remaining a healthy and non-invasive diet. The realm of science has known sirtuins for quite a long time now, though, and we have already written about them e.g. within the section entitled ‘Matcha properties in scientific research’. Sirtuins are enzymatic proteins, which can be found in living organism – also within human bodies. They are capable of muting the genes responsible for the aging processes, cellular decomposition and inflammations. They are also able to regulate metabolic processes, improve the process of body fat reduction, or even highly enhance stress resistance. The research over sirtuins’ properties and their impact on living organisms has been conducted since the 1980s, or more specifically – since 1984, when the very first sirtuin was discovered in yeast and named sir2. It turned out that in order to observe the srituin effect described above, it is essential to prompt the sirtuin activation with polyphenols – antioxidants, which can be found e.g. in matcha powder or green tea.

Download the ‘Sirtfood Guide’

‘Sirtfood Guide’ is our proprietary ebook, containing all of the essential information on Sirtfood diet, including dietician’s advice and original recipes for meals prepared with the use of matcha powder, which are recommended during successive stages of the diet. In order to get the ebook, you ought to subscribe to the newsletter on moyamatcha.com/en at the bottom of the page. You will then find the download link with the ebook in PDF format within the welcoming mail, confirming your subscription. Those of you, who are already signed for our newsletter, will receive the subsequent parts of the ebook at the very day of their premiere. We are hoping to meet you on this sirtuin journey. Welcome!

About the project

Our „Sirtfood Guide” is an educational project devoted to vegan, gluten-free version of the sirtfood diet. We are creating it together with a local diet catering, conducted by three amazing women, who, just like us, agree on the significant importance of remaining life balance and an equilibrium between clean diet and pleasure.



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