Home Shop Accessories Kibi japanese teapot

Kibi japanese teapot


Traditional teapot for leaf green tea preparation

dishwasher safe

Country of origin



350 ml


10 x 13,5 x 15 cm

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Kibi japanese teapot

The Kibi teapot is used to brew leaf tea and was manufactured according to the Japanese tea tradition. Thanks to the comfortable handle and the metal strainer inside, you can enjoy the brew without tea leaves in your favourite cup. The vessel impresses with its navy blue glazing, which fits perfectly with the rustic, brown handle. The teapot was made in Japan on the Honshu island in the city of Toki, famous for manufacturing traditional Mino pottery. At the initial stage, the vessel is shaped with a mould, and then the final shape and patterns are made by hand. It is this technique that makes each Kibichisai teapot unique.

Kibi japanese teapot

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