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Natural matcha honey – what is it?


What comes to your mind when you think about honey? Flowers, bees, spring, sandwiches on good bread and… a cup of freshly prepared matcha? Yes, you read it right – matcha and honey are a great bitter-sweet combination, which we decided to close in a glass jar. Organic powdered green tea Moya Matcha Daily and organic multi-floral honey from Estonia together create an original mix of flavours, which you will easily fall in love with. Read this post to learn how the organic honey is made and what great properties it has.

Honey with matcha – how can you use it?

Moya Matcha Honey has a thick texture and smells of flowers. Its sweetness is contrasted with a delicate bitterness of matcha from the second and third harvest. That is why it is perfect for:

  • porridge, pancakes and desserts
  • sweetening your tea and other infusions
  • crunchy toasts and sweet sandwiches, for example with ricotta (CLICK HERE FOR THE RECIPE)

Honey with matcha – how is the organic honey made?

It was in Estonia that we found the most delicious organic honey. Organic farming does not involve any adjuvants such as pesticides or growth regulators. Plants grow in a natural, sustainable way, lending their pollen to bees. The production of organic honey requires great care and attention, because the insects need sufficient access to organic plants. Sometimes natural honey harvested from an apiary is also commonly defined as ‘organic’, so the term is used for two different, but not mutually exclusive features.

Moya Matcha Honey meets both requirements as it is extracted straight from an apiary. After the harvest, the honey is stored in special containers, where, in time, pieces of bee wax come up to the surface and are then removed. Next, the raw, dewaxed honey is transferred to barrels. To combine it with matcha, the barrels are heated to the maximum level of 40 degrees. Higher temperature would deprive both the ingredients – honey and matcha – of their wonderful health properties. In the production of natural honey, it is important to limit any processing to the necessary minimum.

Organic honey – what conditions must be met?

Organic farms are audited yearly by official authorities responsible for organic agriculture. To be able to call a product ‘certified organic’ and use the green leaf symbol on the packaging, the following requirements need to be fulfilled:

  • no non-organic farms, dense urban development or factories within a three-kilometre radius, which means that the beehives are placed in thick forest among organic plants
  • the bees cannot be fed in the winter season, unless organic sugar syrup is used
  • the hives cannot be made of plastic, only wood
  • the bees can be treated only with organic preparations

Properties of natural honey

Natural honey, just like matcha, is very healthy. Its best known properties include:

  • antibacterial effect
  • support for the body during an infection
  • strengthening the immune system when consumed regularly

The combination of these two ingredients is not only a feast for your taste buds, but also a healthy addition to your daily diet.

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